In the mid-1960s, cigarette use peaked in the United States. More than 40% of Americans smoked.

60 years later, we look back on that time and think, "Why didn't all those people know better?"

The iPhone was released in 2007. In 2067, when people look back on us and how we've used smartphones, what will they think?

I think the biggest question people in 2067 will have is, "Can you believe those people in the 2010s and 2020s let their children have completely unrestricted smartphones?"

Thanks for sharing your article!

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There is growing evidence against phones, but we can't wait for it to become conclusive. We need to act now.

Communities need to pull together and organise themselves and come to an agreement that they don't give their children smart phones until they are 16 (or they buy them themselves). We can't wait for the laws to change.

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